General Information
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General Information
The project involves the replacement of the asphalt mat and open ditch roadway on 45th Street North from Oliver to Woodlawn with a three-lane curb and gutter urban arterial pavement section.
The paving project will start approximately 500 feet west of the 45th and Oliver intersection and will match into the previously installed Woodlawn improvements approximately 350 feet west of Woodlawn.
Deceleration lanes are proposed at Westlake, Krueger, Edgemoor, Auburn, Hedgerow and Farmstead.
A new frontage road will be installed at the west end of the project to provide access control for existing lots that currently front directly onto 45th. The existing frontage road between Auburn and Dundee will remain in place and will be connected into the new roadway project.
The existing sidewalk along that frontage road will be replaced.
The project recommendations include realigning the entrance into Sunrise Christian Academy to line up with Edgemoor on the south side of 45th.
Intersection Improvements
A traffic study is underway to provide information to determine the best solution for intersection improvements at 45th and Oliver.
The study will review a signalized intersection and a roundabout solution.
The recommended design will be presented to the City Council and the public prior to any final design determination. Please see the project design page 🔗 for more information.
The existing pedestrian crossing near Sunrise Christian Academy (SCA) will not work with proposed deceleration lane improvements in the area. The proposed design will move that crossing to the newly realigned drive entrance to SCA at Edgemoor and will have some form of signalized improvement.
This will provide a more direct route for children south of 45th Street and will reduce the instances of jaywalking that have happened in the past. HAWK signals, RRFB or traditional signals are being considered at this time.
Other technologies may be evaluated as well.
Drainage Considerations
The existing storm water crossings near Glendale, Eagle Lake Park and Hillcrest will be replaced with this project.
New storm sewer will be constructed as necessary along the length of the project to convey stormwater runoff through the site.
The existing arch pipe bridge just south of 45th and Oliver is scheduled to be replaced in 2024 as part of a grant project from KDOT.
Inlets or pipes will be extended to side roads to pick up drainage from those roads prior to entering 45th.
The final design will evaluate drainage to Tributary 7 to limit changes to runoff entering that channel.
No changes are proposed for the outfall for the pond at Sunrise Christian Academy, but a new cross road pipe will be installed under 45th Street.
Bike/PED Considerations
A 10-foot-wide multi-use path will be installed on the north side of 45th from Oliver to Woodlawn.
A 6-foot-wide sidewalk will be installed on the south side of 45th. The proposed sidewalk will be constructed from Stucky Middle School to the match point with the existing walk at Woodlawn.
The City of Wichita and USD 259 have indicated an interest in participating in the cost of constructing the sidewalk to Stucky as this will provide a safer route to the school for children in the area.
Connections to existing sidewalks in additions adjacent to the project will be provided for the full length of the project. The project will also connect into the existing sidewalk system in Eagle Lake Park.
The channel at the southeast corner of 45th and Oliver will be filled in and replaced with an underground storm sewer system. This will allow the City to consider a pause point or other amenity for users of the sidewalk and multi-use paths.
Although no direct connections are proposed to sidewalks north of 45th on Oliver, the project will provide connections to the existing shoulders to facilitate an easy transition for bikers and pedestrians who use them.
Each year, the Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) asks the cities within the region to provide a list of regionally significant, priority projects that they would like to be considered for state or federal funding throughout the 20-year planning period. In most situations, the municipalities must provide a 20% match on the project to be eligible for having a project placed on the list. The projects submitted to WAMPO are reviewed by a committee that selects projects from the provided lists and to be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This plan provides a listing of regionally significant projects that are eligible for federal funding and are reasonably likely to proceed. Having a project included on this list is the first step towards securing federal funding.
When a municipality is ready to proceed with their project, they apply for inclusion in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This program includes a proposed schedule for projects to be completed in a rolling four-year period. It is important to note that inclusion in the TIP program does not guarantee the project will be constructed in the year shown in the plan. State and Federal funding levels fluctuate over time and the four-year plan is subject to change on an annual basis, based on need and funding availability.
The graphic below shows the Top 10 priority projects that the City of Bel Aire submitted to WAMPO for 2024. The Bel Aire project list is a mixture of roadway reconstruction projects and bike/PED projects. These projects can be very expensive to build and it will take a significant amount of time for all of them to be constructed, but having a cohesive long term plan is critical for Bel Aire to continue to be a great place to live and work.